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Early Porteous families recorded in Peeblesshire

Reproduced from 'A History of Peeblesshire' by JW Buchan and Rev H Paton, 1925–27, Jackson, Wylie and Co of Glasgow.

These sources will be useful to researchers of the Porteous/Porteus name, and although some have been used in many accounts of the history of the family, the originals are reproduced here to aid future family historians. Those references to the Porteous name have been printed in red, in order to more easily distinguish them amongst other long passages.

As mentioned above, most of these references are taken from 'A History of Peeblesshire' by JW Buchan and Rev H Paton, published in three volumes 1925–27, (now copyright-free), although only those chapters with material relevant to Porteous research are reproduced here. The relevant sections are all from Volume 3, and are in the chapters shown. These may be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link below or in the left-hand navigation bar.

Volume 3, Chapter 5
Kilbucho, Broughton and Glenholmpp 242–247
pp 247–272
pp 272–280
pp 289–294
Cardon, Chapelgill and Glenkirk
pp 298–309
pp 312–331
Volume 3, Chapter 6
The Parish of Tweedsmuirpp 350–376
Tweedsmuir estates
pp 381–415
Volume 3, Chapter 7
pp 421–433
pp 445–451

All family histories are reproduced with permission of the authors.

In other cases, every effort has been made to trace copyright holders. The publisher of this website apologizes for any unintentional omissions and would be pleased, in such cases, to place an acknowledgment in future.

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