It is hoped that the Porteous Research Project will be a useful resource for family researchers and genealogists – particularly for the collection and exchange of information about the emigration of Porteous and Porteus families (and other variant spellings – see the foot of this page).
The eventual aim is hopefully to build a more complete picture of their migration from Scotland, Ireland or England, and construction of a database of the main areas of settlement is underway. However, this will never in any way be exhaustive, and the project will be ongoing for many years.
Any information about families emigrating to the New World or the British colonies (at any time in the last four hundred years) would be useful, even if accurate dates and places of embarkation and arrival are not known. It is hoped that it will be possible to plot these details, to give a visual picture of how the Porteous families gradually fanned out from southern Scotland to every part of the world. Watch this space, as the site will be updated regularly.
If you have any information regarding migration of your Porteous family, or you are interested in collaborating in the research project, please feel free to mail Bruce Porteous at the Porteous Research Project.
It is strongly recommended that the first port of call for all new Porteous/Porteus researchers or family historians – or those just enquiring about their family tree – should be the website of the Porteous Associates.
This Porteous Research site is not intended to give information about specific individuals or Porteous family trees, although links are provided to the many other resources which are available for that purpose, including the invaluable Rootsweb mailing list.
Note: For the purpose of this research, when discussing the Porteous/Porteus family, I am including members of families bearing variant spellings, such as Portteus, Porteouss, Porteious, Portieous, Portious, Portiss, Portice, Portes, Portess, Portis, Portas, Pertus, Portus, Porteuse, Poythress and Porthouse, and others.